Project description

We aim to strengthen the ability of social entrepreneurs to measure their organisations’ impact on the environment and increase their capacity to contribute with tangible data to a greener, more sustainable future. We use here the term “societal impact” as we understand that benefits to the environment frequently accompany benefits to communities, like improved air quality or reduction of waste disposal.  For participants, the developed learning material will inspire them to improve their impact measurement and better evaluate the effect they have on their societies. The goal is that they will be able to adjust activities to promote their environmental goals. The aim for supporting organisations is to provide practical learning tools and strengthen the capacity to educate social businesses on impact measurement. On a sectoral level the aim is to bring more credibility to the social entrepreneurship sector by showing the green impact that such organisations are creating.

Expected results – case studies of impact measurement and facilitator guide for delivering impact self-assessment workshops.

Target group: social enterprises that act in the green economy.


Project activities
Open house events
Case studies

Open house event and survey – contact collection by all partners in each country. Outcomes: Project presentation to the target group’s community and contact collection during 4 public events organised in Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, and Sweden. The format of the event is decided by each partner with the goal to present the project, gather contacts and share information (September-October

Situation and good practices analysis, including interviews with SE’s carried out by all partners. Outcomes: 1. Desk research of good practices in measuring a company’s green impact and selecting indicators to do so. 2. Interviews with relevant companies and entrepreneurs. 3. Collection of good practices organized in an attractive and user-friendly digital format (September-December).

Development of Case Studies by all partners. Outcomes: A collection of 8 case studies (2 from each country) in written format based on research, interviews, and study visits.

Facilitation guide
Guide testing
Material improvement
Miesto laboratorija

Guide for Facilitators (February) to drive impact self-assessment input by all partners. Outcome: workshop facilitation guide in written format.

Testing of developed materials in local communities (March) by all partners.
Outcome: At least one impact self-assessment workshop per partner country testing the tools created and collected feedback form participants.

Improvement of materials  (April) by all partners. Outcomes: Improved case studies and facilitation guide based on feedback from participants of the testing workshops.

Project news

Lithuanian social entrepreneurs who are involved in the green economy have a unique opportunity to learn about successful business stories in neighbouring countries and to gain ideas and experience. Read more… 

Making a difference through social enterprise: saving bees to creating jobs for young people

Measuring impact is one of the most important criteria and commitments by which social enterprise demonstrates the impact and change it creates in society. The ability to measure impact is also a sign of social enterprise maturity. Read more…

Kvietimas teikti paraišką vizitui į Daniją ir Švediją projektui „Pamatuotas žaliasis poveikis"

Kitą mėnesį – rugsėjo 26-30 d. d. delegacija iš Lietuvos lankysis Danijoje ir Švedijoje, kur turės galimybę susipažinti su gerosiomis poveikio matavimo praktikomis, užmegzti vertingų kontaktų bei prisidėti prie veiklos poveikio įsivertinimo įrankio kūrimo. Skaityti daugiau…

Rugsėjo 9 d. 9.30-10.30 val. vyks atvirų durų diena „Pamatuotas žaliasis poveikis

LISVA kartu su partneriais iš Danijos (BrainLog), Latvijos (The New Door) ir Švedijos (Swideas) įgyvendina Šiaurės ministrų tarybos programos „Nordplus Adult“ projektą – „Pamatuotas žaliasis poveikis“ (angl. – „Green Impact Measured“). Skaityti daugiau…

Projekto „Pamatuotas žaliasis poveikis“ užsienio partnerių vizitas Vilniuje

Pažintinių vizitų, kuriuose Lietuvos socialinio verslo delegacija dalyvavo kartu su partneriais iš Danijos (#BrainLog), Latvijos (#NewDoor ) ir Švedijos (#SwIdeas), paskutinė stotelė – Lietuvos sostinė Vilnius. 
Skaityti daugiau…

Project results

Situation analysis

Good practices

Case studies

Impact Self-assessment Guide

Project Partners
Financed by

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