Tarptautiniai mokymai socialiniams verslams

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Tarptautiniai mokymai socialiniams verslams tęsis nuo rugpjūčio 1 d. iki spalio 31 d. Paskubėkite rezervuoti individualias sesijas su edukatoriais ir mentoriais. LiSVA nariams teikiamas prioritetas – pildydami mokymų užsakymo formą nurodykite informaciją apie savo verslo narystę. Norintiems mokytis jau dabar, kviečiame peržiūrėti tris atvejo analizes publikuotas konsorciumo puslapyje.

Šia kampanija „Buy Social Europe B2B“ konsorciumas pradeda savo socialinių pirkimų mokymų ir mentorystės programos socialiniams verslams įgyvendinimą. Programa apima konsorciumo profesionalų mentorių paslaugas, o taip pat ir prieigą prie vaizdo įrašų ir kitos mokymo medžiagos, tokios kaip kontrolinių sąrašų bei šablonų. 

Be to, socialiniai verslai  gali gauti konsultacijas ir patarimus iš SAP kvalifikuotų specialistų, bendradarbiaudami su TRANSFORM Hub, kurį įgalina MovingWorlds platforma.


Are you a social entrepreneur, interested in learning more about social procurement, or already working towards becoming a supplier for mainstream enterprises? #BuySocialEuropeB2B has designed a training and mentoring program to advance your procurement journey! We offer:

💻 An online training program: Your guide to understanding the “what” and “how” of social procurement! Gain the know-how to evaluate whether social procurement is right for your organization, understand how mainstream entrepreneurs choose their suppliers, and learn how to approach and partner with them effectively.

👥  Peer-to-Peer mentoring: Get matched with advanced social entrepreneurs, who can share advice from their own experience as suppliers. Join as mentor or mentee!

🗣️ Pro-bono consulting and mentoring by SAP skilled professionals: Gain insights from a corporate perspective and learn how to get procurement ready or address other important business development topics. This special opportunity is provided in cooperation with the TRANSFORM Support Hub, powered by MovingWorlds!

Learn more and register to join 👉 https://bit.ly/buy-social-training-mentoring-se 

🤝 Buy Social Europe B2B is co-funded by the EU within the Single Market Programme and by SAP and implemented in partnership between Euclid Network, Social Enterprise World Forum, Social Enterprise UK, Yunus Social Business, Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland (SEND), Social Enterprise NL, Reach for Change, the Sustainable Procurement Pledge, Zurich Insurance and 17 national country partners. LiSVA is a national country partner of the #BuySocialEuropeB2B project.

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