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Developing social business: towards a sustainable and inclusive economy
28 March 2022
The social economy sector plays an important role both in the overall economic growth of the country and in addressing the societal challenges. Organisations in this sector have demonstrated a remarkable ability to contribute to the strengthening and building of resilient communities and to manage major transitions as well as ‘[…] outperformed other industry sectors and generated up to 12% of jobs while also advancing key societal issues. The collective scale and impact of these purpose-driven enterprises is vast, with 2.8 million social enterprises in Europe alone […]’. (Unlocking Social Entrepreneurship for the Recovery | World Economic Forum, Davos 2021).
At the end of 2021, the European Commission set out a Social Economy Action Plan, which will be launched this year. The plan aims to improve social investment and entrepreneurship, support social economy organisations to start up and scale up their activities, increase their social impact, innovate and create jobs. It will also draw on the unique characteristics of social economy organisations in order to ensure that the green and digital transitions leave no one behind and that our communities strengthen their economic and social resilience.
Social economy organisations play an important role in job creation, inclusion, sustainable growth, and integration of vulnerable groups into the labour market. They ensure industrial development and empowerment, as well as reskilling and upskilling. Social economy organisations operate in a wide range of economic sectors and ecosystems, including social and public services, health, social housing or affordable energy for the most vulnerable, thus helping mitigate the effects of the economic crisis and increase resilience.
This year, the Social Enterprise Summit invites leaders of the social business ecosystem to dialogue with policy makers on the development prospects of this sector and its importance for the Lithuanian economy and for addressing societal challenges. The event will feature foreign keynote speakers who will provide an overview of best practices.
The event is co-organised by Committee on Economics of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Member of the European Affairs Committee of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Ms. Monika Ošmianskiene and the Lithuanian Social Business Association in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Lithuania, the European Network for Social Integration Enterprises- ENSIE , ‘Enterprise Lithuania’, the Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers in Lithuania and NGOs which include ‘Avilys’, ‘’, and ‘Katalista Ventures’, Social Economy Europe, Vilnius University Institute of Sociology and Social Work, and nd the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Sweden.
Venue: Constitution Hall, Building 1, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
(Hybrid event)
9.30 10.00–10.30 | Registration OPENING SESSION |
Welcome address | H.E. Ms Viktorija ČMILYTĖ-NIELSEN, Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (virtual address) |
Opening speeches | Mr Nicolas SCHMIT, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Ms Aušrinė ARMONAITĖ, Minister of the Economy and Innovation, Lithuania Mr Kazys STARKEVIČIUS, Chair of the Committee on Economics, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Ms Monika OŠMIANSKIENĖ, Member of the Committee on European Affairs, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Ms Viktorija BRAŽIŪNAITĖ, Director of the Lithuanian Social Business Association |
10.30–11.00 | |
Speeches | Ms Ruth PASERMAN, Director of the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission On the Social Economy Action Plan Ms Andželika RUSTEIKIENĖ, The Founder and Board member of the Lithuanian Social Business Association and the Director of the Lithuanian Junior Achievement will present Lithuania’s achievements in the field of social business over the past decade. |
11.00–12.00 | |
SESSION I: CREATING THE RIGHT CONDITIONS FOR THE SOCIAL ECONOMY TO THRIVE Policy and legal frameworks are key in creating the right environment for the social economy to thrive. This includes taxation, public procurement and State aid frameworks that have to be adapted to the needs of the social economy. The session will feature members of the Committee on Economics of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and other members of the Seimas as well as their counterparts from the European Union and other parliaments, who will speak on these matters and share best practices. Speakers:
| |
12.00–13.00 | SESSION II: OPENING OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOCIAL ECONOMY ORGANISATIONS TO START UP AND SCALE UP Social economy entities should benefit from business development support to start up and develop, as well as to reskill and upskill their workers. For 2021–2027, the Commission is aiming to increase its support beyond the estimated €2.5 billion allocated to the social economy previously (2014–2020). During Session II, representatives from the Lithuanian Ministry of the Economy and Innovation, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, and counterparts from the European Union and other countries will discuss best ways to create more opportunities for social businesses to start up and scale up, as well as to foster entrepreneurial competences. Speakers:
Moderator: Ms Viktorija BRAŽIŪNAITĖ, Director of the Lithuanian Social Business Association |
13.00–14.00 | Break |
14.00–15.00 | SESSION III: ENHANCING RECOGNITION OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY AND ITS POTENTIAL The Social Economy Action Plan aims to make the social economy more visible and improve the recognition of its work and potential. The Commission together with the EU Member States will carry out communication activities emphasising the role and specificities of the social economy and demonstrating best practices in social entrepreneurship. During Session III, representatives from Lithuanian and foreign social enterprises will share their best practices and impact stories. Speakers:
Moderator: Ms Jurgita RIBINSKAITE-GLATZER, CEO at |
15.00–16.30 | IV. PANEL DISCUSSION: Leaders of parliament, governments, social enterprises, business, academia and media will discuss the prospects of the development of the social business sector and its importance for Lithuania’s economy and for addressing societal challenges. Participants will share their ideas on the vision and concrete steps to strengthen a sustainable and inclusive social business sector. Panellists:
Moderator: Mr Ugnius SAVICKAS, expert on social innovation and entrepreneurship |
Event registration
We invite you to register to the event by the 27th of March at 15.00. A link to access the event will be sent to you a few days before the event.
Day 2 of the summit
2022 March 29, online
On the second day of the forum (March 29), we invite you to separate sessions on social businesses in the green economy and impact measurement. These events require a separate registration.
Cooperation for green and inclusive societies
13:00 - 15:30
Addressing complex problems like climate change requires a collective and multidisciplinary approach. Therefore, it is crucial for organisations working in these fields to work together, collaborate and co-create effective solutions. We invite you to an online conference bringing together social enterprises and ngo’s working in the fields of green economy, sustainability and climate change for wider knowledge transfer, promotion of circularity and sustainability. During the conferences organisations will share good practice in addressing environmental problems and discuss ways of collaborating for wider positive impact.
13:00 Welcome speech by Helen Nilsson Director of Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania.
Welcome speech by Viktorija Bražiūnaitė Director of LiSVA and sharing of good practice publication developed.
13:10 Presentations of good practices given by social entrepreneurs active in the green economy, addressing environmental issues and promoting sustainability on the work they do and how they collaborate from the Baltic countries and Sweden.
Paulius Chockevičius – CEO of and Rimantė Balsiūnaitė – Research Innovation Officer of (Lithuania)
Maria Borbos – CEO of Nimble Patch (Sweden)
Laura Žukovska – Supe – CEO of ‘Swimbe’ (Latvia)
Kaspar Nummert – CEO of Sõbralt Sõbrale (Estonia)
14:20 Panel discussion of organisations addressing environmental issues and/or working with capacity building and promotion of collaboration.
Panel speakers:
Simona Šimulytė – CEO of “ChangemakersOn”
Julija Šredersaitė – Project manager of NVO akseleratorius (NGO accelerator)
Viktorija Nausėdė – CEO and Co-founder of “Textale”
Šarūnas Savickas and Guoda Bardauskaitė – co- founders of “Miško uostas”
Rasa Viederytė – Manager of Projects dept. Klaipėda university
Simona Uvarovaitė – Project manager at Enterprise Lithuania
Gabrielė Janilionytė – Projet manager at Šilainiai urban eco festival
15:30 Closing remarks.
This event is part of the NGO co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region program project „Nordic-Baltic Cooperation for Green and Inclusive Societies“ funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania and implemented by the Lithuanian Social Business Association in cooperation with the Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia, the Swedish organisation SE Forum, and the Estonian Social Enterprise Network.
Registration until March 23rd
Event partners